Live Captioning: Edit a File

Follow the steps below to edit a file created using a Live Captioning service.

Please note that as an alternative to editing the file, the file can be upgraded to full transcription following the steps linked here.



Step 1- Navigate to Live Captioning Files

Select the small check box next to Live Captioning &/or Live Auto Captioning located at the top of the filters on your My Files page.  Then, search for the file that you'd like to edit.



Step 2- Select a File to Edit

Once you have found the file you wish to edit, click on the file name. A preview of the file's details and information will appear on the right side of the screen. 


Step 3- Click Edit


Click "Edit" in the file details overview to  open our customer-facing transcript editor. 

Click here to see more detailed information regarding our customer facing transcript editing interface

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