Live Captioning: Advanced Settings Overview

Once a Live event has been created, the Live Event Settings listed below can be edited for the Live Captions up until 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

Note: There may be additional settings dependent on the hosting platform.


Maximum  Captioning Delay 

Drag the dial button to the right of the screen to increase the Maximum Captioning Delay and to the left of the screen to decrease the Maximum Captioning Delay in milliseconds. This sets a delay between the stream we receive and the captions we output. The more the delay, the more accurate the output.

Please note: Do not delay the stream within the hosting platform and/or encoding software/hardware.

Stream Wait Time

The amount of time in minutes for our system to wait after the scheduled Event Start Time. If there is no audio detected by the end of the Event Wait Time, the 3Play Live Captioning event will stop.

Default Value: 30 minutes


Maximum Stream Time

Enter the duration in minutes of the live event to be live captioned. 

Note that this feature will determine the maximum length of the event and also act as a failsafe in case the streams are not manually stopped at the end of the live event.


Stream Reconnection Wait Time

If your live stream disconnects during the event, this is how long we will wait before we disconnect from delivering captions. After this time has passed, you will no longer be able to connect to this event.


Use a Reserved Embed?

For customers that would like captions delivered to a fixed location, 3Play provides customers with the ability to use a Reserved (static) embed code and External Webpage URL per project, such that if used, captions can be delivered to the same embed / external webpage for every event scheduled within that project. Please contact your 3Play account manager or 3Play support to have this feature enabled in your account.

Profanity Filter

Tell us how you'd like profanity in your event to be filtered, if at all. 


Using a Reserved Stream Target?

 As a default, 3Play will provide you with a stream target (transcoder). The RTMP URL address and Key to the stream target are provided on the confirmation page of this workflow; you'll enter this information into your encoder stream settings in preparation for the event.


You can also reach out to your account manager for a reserved target or transcoder to use for all of your events, instead of having new information for each individual event. 



Keep Stream?

If activated, the live stream will be saved as the source for the file after the event. This is useful if service upgrades are anticipated, e.g. to Transcription. 

Note: This is only available for RTMP streams.

Default: Off

Read more about how to upgrade the transcript for a completed Live Captioning event



File Name

When an event is created the file name defaults to Live Stream at MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM however the file name can be changed. 

Default Naming Convention: Stream at MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM





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