Subtitles & Translation: Gengo Translation Review

If the Gengo Translation Review feature is enabled within your translation profile, all translations will be sent to the Review Translations state upon completion of the translation process. Here is some more information about Gengo's quality policy.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If the Gengo Translation Review feature is enabled, all translations will be sent to the Review Translations state where customers can either approve the translation or submit feedback to Gengo. Translations will be in Review Translation state for 168 hours (7 days). During this timeframe, feedback can be sent to Gengo to request that Gengo make edits. This process can be repeated up to 3 times.


Once this review period has ended, or, if you have not enabled this feature, the translations will automatically finalize.


If Translation Review is not enabled, translations will automatically complete and feedback will not be able to be submitted to Gengo.


Need a third party to review a translation?


Enable the Expiring Editing Link module to send a remote URL for an individual translation to a third party so they can review a translation without having to access your 3Play Media account.  This can only be done during the Gengo Review period.  See Step 1 of this article for how to activate the module.


Follow the steps below to review your translation and then either provide feedback or finalize the translation...


Step 1- Click Review Translation


After logging into your 3Play Media project click on the Services filter, and then click Reviewable.  This will indicate that the Gengo Translation is reviewable. 



Click the file.


Translation review tool for Gengo 3Play Media translation integration


Click the Review button in the bottom right corner.

Translation review tool for Gengo 3Play Media translation integration

Step 2- Proofread the translation


Once the Review Translation interface opens proofread the translation.


Step 3- Approve, Submit Feedback, or Send Expiring Editing Link


Click Approve Translation if the translation is satisfactory




if dissatisfied, provide notes and click Submit Feedback and Request Revision.




Need a third party to review a translation?


Enable the Expiring Editing Link (EEL) module to send a remote URL for an individual translation to a third party so they can review a translation without having to access your 3Play Media account. 


See Step 4 below for more information regarding EEL...


review translation


Step 4 (optional)- Create an Send an Expiring Editing Link


If the Expiring Editing Link module is activated, follow these additional steps to create and send an Expiring Translation Review Link to a 3rd party person.


Select a time when the Editing Link expires: 4 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, or 1 month*. Because revisions must be submitted within one week of the translation being in the review state, DO NOT CHOOSE 1 month. Select Expiration Time


 Once an expiration time is selected, click Create Expiring Editing Link.


Copy and Share Link


Copy the link, and share with desired parties to allow them to review the translation.


Copy and Share 3Play Media Expiring Editing Link to edit Closed Captions and Translations




See more information on how to use the Edit Transcript Tool


See more information on how to edit translations



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