Subtitles & Translation: Create a Translation Profile

Translate captions transcripts

In order to submit translation requests, a Translation Profile must first be created.

The translation profile is key to the success of a Subtitles & Translation order. It aims to provide context around the content by clearly communicating to the translator what your business is about, the voice of your brand, and the style in which you’d like to communicate to your customers.

Once a 3Play Media file has been completed, you can submit the transcript for translation. However, before submitting your first subtitles & translation request, you will be directed to set up your Translation Profile if you have not yet done so.

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> Creating a Translation Profile
> Setting a Default Subtitles & Translation Vendor

> Vendor Information: TransPerfect
> Vendor Information: Gengo
> Setting a Default Translation Profile

Follow the steps below to create a Translation Profile

Create a Translation Profile

Step 1- Click Settings

Click Settings located in the upper, right-hand corner of the account system page.

Captioning Transcription Settings 3Play Media Account

Step 2- Select Translation Profiles

Click Subtitles & Translation Settings located on the left-hand side of the Basic Settings section.


Step 3- Click + Create Translation Profile

Click + Create Translation Profile

Step 4- Name the Profile

Create a name for this translation profile.

Step 5- Describe Your Business

Provide a brief description of your business and a link to your website.

Example: We are a travel site that helps homeowners list and rent their vacation properties. Travelers come to our site to find, compare, and book rental homes for their vacation.

Step 6- Describe Your Audience

Indicate the purpose of your content and your audience.

Example: Is it customer-facing, for investors, staff, etc.? 

Step 7- Describe Your Brand's Voice

In this section, you will need to specify the overall tone, if you want a literal translation vs. a cultural/conversational translation and grammar consistency.

Step 8- Provide Samples

Provide links to sample product pages, FAQ pages, etc. to give the translator a point of reference. You can also provide past translations. Even snippets or short paragraphs are helpful for maintaining consistency.

Step 9- Provide a Glossary 

A Glossary helps your translator maintain consistency throughout your document by using the same translation for specified terms/phrases. 

This section provides Company Branding to remain consistent and a list of terms and/or phrases that need to be translated consistently.

Step 10- Click Create Translation Profile

After all sections have been completed, click Create Translation Profile.


Setting a Default Translation Vendor

Select either Transperfect or Gengo as the project's default translation vendor.
The default vendor can be changed however during the process of ordering a translation


See below for more information regarding TransPerfect and Gengo


Once you have selected the default translation vendor, click Update Vendor Information.





TransPerfect is a high-quality translation vendor. All translations ordered through TransPerfect will go through their rigorous quality and accuracy review process. TransPerfect offers translation services in three turnaround levels (Standard, Expedited, and Rush), and all charges are calculated per minute of video.

Click here for more information regarding TransPerfect



Gengo translation provider

Gengo offers translation into 24 languages and provides a choice of three service levels for quality and pricing. All charges will be calculated per word of a file.

Click here for more information regarding Gengo

Here is some information about their quality policy.

Gengo Translation Review

The Gengo workflow allows you to review translations before they are finalized. The review option allows you to provide feedback and request a revision if the translation is not of a high enough quality within 168 hours of the translation being completed. Translations are in the translation review state for five days. If no action is taken in five days when the file is in this state the translation automatically finalizes.

Gengo Translation Review tool for 3Play Media


Setting a Default Translation Profile

Multiple Translation Profiles can be created within one project.

When a new Translation Profile is created, the new profile automatically becomes the default translation profile. When ordering a translation, the default Translation Profile will be selected but can be changed to another profile during the ordering process.

Follow the steps below to change the default Translation Profile...

Step 1- Navigate to Translation Profiles

Click Settings located in the upper, right-hand corner of the account system page. Click Translation Profiles within the Basic Settings section located on the left-hand side of the Settings page. 

Step 2- Locate Translation Profile

Identify the Translation Profile you would like to set as the default.

Step 3- Click Make Default

Click Make Default to set this as the default Translation Profile. 

Click Make Default button to set this translation profile as the default profile

From this view an existing Translation Profile can also be edited or deleted if desired.

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