Account Overview Report: Report on Account and Project Activity

Follow the steps below to export a report formatted for excel of all of your project file activity.
Please note: The report will be emailed to the requester once generated.

Step 1- Click Account Overview

Click Account Overview located at the top, right-hand corner of the page.

Transcription captioning translation overview


Step 2- Select date range for your file activity report

Select the specific date range that you would like a report of all file activity for and click update. In this example, our report will display file activity from January 2019 through June 2019.

update view button

Step 3- Expand project's overview

Export data from the current project you are in.
Super Users in an account containing multiple projects will be able to export data for any project from the Account Overview page. Additionally, if you are an Account Group Admin, you're able to view activity across your account group from the Account Overview page. You will be able to export data from all and any account or project in that group that you are also a Super User in. You will not be able to access data from accounts or projects you are not a user in, even if they are part of that group. 

Click the uncollapse icon to view a project's breakdown.


Please Note: You will be able to export data from each project all at once by clicking the Select All button or export data from each project individually by clicking the check box next to the project name.

captions transcripts translations encoding overview

The following breakdowns are displayed within a project in addition to your project ID #.

Project ID: Shows ID # unique to your project
 Lists all files and their current states
Services: Displays file count for transcription, alignment, translation, and encoding requests
Transcription: Displays the different turnaround times requested for your project's files
Users: Displays all users with project access and their permissions

Step 4- Export Data

Click Export Data to download a project report formatted for Excel.

Export Data for Excel

The report downloads as a .csv file and is formatted for Excel. Once in Excel, you can filter your report to view an array of different information. You can filter by service type, turnaround level, date ordered, date completed, duration of file, number of flags, and more.

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