Search Your Files

Step 1- Log into your 3Play Media account

3Play Media transcription captioning translation services login

Step 2- Search for the file

Enter the name of the file or the associated 3Play Media file ID #, key words in the transcript, or the Video ID in the search box located on the top, right-hand corner of the page and press the return key on your keyboard. Search results are listed where your files are normally listed. The number of results returned appears in the bottom right-hand corner as shown in the image below. To clear the search results, click the backspace/delete key and press the return key on your keyboard.


Search files and transcripts 

Note: You can return results for archived files by clicking the dropdown menu in the upper left-hand corner and selecting Archived Files. This can be helpful when determining the potential reason a file was rejected. Occasionally, it's due to the fact that the file was already processed in the system but archived. To view or download archived files, they first need to be restored to My Files. This article shows how to archive files and how to unarchive files as well.​​


filter by archived files


Files can also be filtered by the following:

Filter by Services

Filter by Service Statuses

Filter by Languages

Filter by Folders

Filter by Tags

Filter by Linked Account


Filter by Services 

Search for files with specific services by using the Filters on the left-hand side. Only services that have been ordered within the account will appear under the Services section. Click the checkbox next to the service to return all files with that specific service on the My Files page. For example, checking Transcription and Captioning will return all files that have Transcription and Captioning ordered for them. A service pill denoting the service  will be associated with each file as well, i.e. Transcription and Captioning. The filter can be cleared by clicking the X under Results.

Note: The Filters can be toggled closed by clicking the double arrows as shown in the below image. Click the double arrows once again to toggle the Filters open.

filter files and transcripts by service


Filter by Service Statuses 

Click the arrow to the left of the Service Statuses filter to expand. Click the checkbox next to the service status to return all files with that specific status on the My Files page. Statuses include In Progress, Complete, and Rejected. If a file is In Progress, it will have a brown clock icon on the pill of the service that is in progress. If a file is Completeit will have a green checkmark icon on the pill of the service that is complete. If a file is Rejectedit will have a red X icon on the pill of the service that is rejected. If more than 3 filters are selected, you can click Clear All to clear all filter results.

filter files by service status


Filter by Languages

Click the arrow to the left of the Languages filter to expand. Click the checkbox next to the language to return all files that had that language ordered for it on the My Files page.

filter files by language


Filter by Folders

Click the arrow to the left of the Folders filter to expand. Click the radio button next to the folder to return all files within that folder on the My Files page.

Note: Only 1 folder can be filtered at a time.

See more information on how to create folders.

filter folders


Filter by Tags

Click the arrow to the left of the Tags filter to expand. Click the checkbox next to the tag to return all files that have that tag on the My Files page. Tags can be searched for using the search bar. Hovering over the tag icon on the My Files page displays the tag name as well.

See more information on how to create tags.

filter tags


Filter by Linked Account

Click the arrow to the left of the Linked Accounts filter to expand. Click the checkbox next to the linked account to return all files that are connected to that linked account on the My Files page. Linked accounts can be searched for using the search bar.

filter linked accounts

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