Using Tags

Tags add an extra (optional) layer of organization to your 3Play Media Account. Files may be tagged with one or more tags and quickly filtered within a folder or across all folders.

For example, in a folder containing all videos from a college course, all 4 videos that are part of lecture 1 could be tagged with “Lecture 1”. This would allow for quickly identifying any file within the course folder that contains that tag.

Tags can also be helpful in allowing for smoother collaboration between multiple users of a project by adding a tag for a task and the person responsible for completing the tagged task. For example, you could have an internal workflow so that Bob knows that whenever Bob logs in, he should first filter for files that contain the tags "Bob" and "Translate French" and that he should then submit all files with these tags for French translation. Once Bob has submitted the files for translation he could then remove the tags "Bob" and "Translate French", create the tags "Jean"  and "Review French", and then add them to those files so that when Jean logs in she knows the files tagged with her name and "Review French" are ready for her to work on.

Create a Tag

Click the + Add Tag link section located to the right of the Tags section under Filters.

Tag transcripts for file management

Enter the name for this tag and click Submit.

Name and Create Tag


Add Tag(s) to a File

Select the files you wish to tag.
Click on the Tag icon located above the list of files.

Click Tags icon

Select the tags you wish to add to your files.
Once the tags have been selected, click Update.
Click to tag file

Filter by Tags

Click the arrow to the left of the Tags filter to expand. Click the checkbox next to the tag to return all files that have that tag on the My Files page. Tags can be searched for using the search bar. Hovering over the tag icon on the My Files page displays the tag name as well.

filter tags



Edit a Tag Name

Navigate to the Tags section located on the lefthand side of the page.
Hover your mouse over the tag you would like to edit and click the pencil icon.

Edit tag name

Once the tag name has been edited click Rename Tag.

rename a tag


Delete a Tag

Navigate to the Tags section located on the lefthand side of the page. Hover your mouse over the tag you would like to delete and click the trash bin icon.

Delete tag

Click Delete Tag.

delete tag button

Note: When a tag is deleted all instances of this tag are removed automatically across all files.

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