This article will explain several scenarios regarding when a 3Play Media Live Captioning event is terminated. Please consult the various platform documentation for YouTube, Brightcove, and Zoom to examine how this termination will affect the final live stream.
The Live Stream has finished
Once the stream that our captioning event has been listening to concludes, the 3Play Live Captioning event will cease and begin processing the final output. The time of the event and the costs incurred will be calculated from the start time until the last detected live stream input.
The Live Stream was never detected
If an error in the process of setting up the event made it such that a live stream never successfully reached our Live Captioning event, the Live Captioning event will remain processing and 'listening' until the Wait Time has been reached. This Wait Time can be configured here following the directions in this article, and the costs incurred will be calculated from the Start Time to the Wait Time.
The Max Time was reached
3Play Live Captioning events can be configured to have a Max Time. More information on changing the Max Time can be found in this support document. The 3Play Live Captioning event will end at the Max Time for that event even if the event is still detecting an active live stream.
The Live Stream was terminated by a user
There are two ways to terminate the 3Play captioning event.
1) Via the account system:
When a 3Play Live Captioning event is in progress (either processing a live stream or attempting to detect a live stream), users will have the ability to terminate the event in the 3Play Media account system.
Navigate to Live Captioning. Under your "In Progress Live Captions", you will see a list of all events that are currently in progress. To end an event, click the "Actions" button on the right hand side of the screen, and click "End Event Now". This will terminate the event.
2) Via 3Play Media's APIv3
API endpoints exist to terminate 3Play Media captioning events via API. Please consult the APIv3 technical documentation to learn more.