AIM Version 4 (DSV4): Live Captioning AIM Student Accommodation Requests

This article outlines how to request live captions for student and course accommodation requests.

3Play Media offers a live captioning solution for education customers utilizing AIM to manage student accommodation requests. 3Play will receive and support accommodation requests routed to the 3Play Platform from customers utilizing AIM. 

Please contact your 3Play account manager to have this feature enabled in your 3Play account. 

NOTE: this article outlines support and features for AIM Version 4 (also known as DSV4)


What 3Play services is this integration compatible with?


Live Captioning with AIM - Sending Live Caption Orders to 3Play

Please contact your account manager if you would like to utilize the 3Play-AIM integration. Follow the steps below to link your AIM account to a 3Play Media project for live captioning student accommodation requests.  

Step 1 - Contact 3Play to request integration to your AIM account

In order to link your AIM account to your 3Play account, you will need to provide 2 pieces of information to 3Play:

  1. Your AIM account information - 3Play needs your AIM account information to ensure the correct AIM account:3Play Account mapping is established. This should be your Customer AIM URL.
  2. Your 3Play account information - your 3Play Media account  and AIM project name. Work with your 3Play account manager to create or identify 3Play projects in the 3Play account or accounts you specify that should only be used to contain AIM-generated accommodation requests.
    1. NOTE: A minimum of 1 dedicated 3Play project is required to contain AIM caption orders and completed transcripts. Multiple 3Play projects can be connected to your AIM account, the project to be used will be selected from within AIM, per assignment, upon sending captioning assignments to 3Play.
    2. New caption orders assigned to 3Play and transcripts of completed, captioned classes will be created in 3Play Folders that assume the name of the class being assigned to 3Play for captioning.

Step 2 - Schedule Captions from AIM

Once your 3Play account manager has confirmed that AIM and 3Play accounts are connected, you are now ready to route Live Professional Captioning requests to 3Play. The process may vary depending on your AIM setup: 

  1. Your students should have access to the AIM platform to request Live Captioning accommodation for their classes.
  2. Your coordinator will need to assign accommodation requests to 3Play Media in the AIM platform. Coordinator view:

  1. Your coordinator may add any additional information to ensure captions are properly delivered, including:
    1. Additional Note: include the following information:
      1. Event support contact name and phone number - important to ensure 3Play can deliver captions in case an audio or other issue arises at class time
      2. Speaker names or other relevant information such as subject matter or terms the captioner should prepare to caption
  2. Your coordinator pushes the Send Assignment button to automate caption scheduling in the 3Play Media platform
  3. The 3Play Platform will then confirm successful scheduling of captions for the class schedule with the AIM platform, and provide to students directly in the AIM Platform:
    1. In AIM, select View Captioned Version to access a static URL to a 3Play hosted web page per class, for your students to access captions during their class. Visible in both student and coordinator views. Student view:

  1. In AIM, select View Transcripts to download transcripts of completed, captioned classes from the same 3Play hosted web page. Visible in both student and coordinator views:

  1. Optional: Your coordinator or your team with access to the 3Play Media Platform may also access and manage transcripts directly within the 3Play Platform to upgrade to > 99% accuracy, download different transcript and caption formats directly, translate to over 50 different languages and more.

Step 3 - Optional: Cancel Caption Orders in the 3Play Platform

Inevitably, scheduled caption orders will change based on pre or early semester course add/drops, or individual class instance cancellations. In either of these cases, once classes have been scheduled in the 3Play Platform and assigned to captioners, canceling the caption order is straightforward in the 3Play Platform.


  1. Your coordinator or your team with access to the 3Play Media Platform should login to the 3Play Platform
  2. In the left hand column of the My Files page, expand FOLDERS and select the folder name that corresponds with the affected class name (expanded folders not shown)

  1. Select the Live Captioning orders that are no longer needed via left hand checkboxes and then select Cancel:

  1. Confirm the Live Captioning orders have been successfully canceled by navigating to the Live Captioning page in the top nav bar:


  1. …And finding the canceled orders in the Previous Events tab

NOTE: 3Play requires 24 hour notice on Live Professional Captioning cancellation to avoid any charges for reserved captioner time.

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