This article outlines how to request live captions for a Custom Accommodation request within AIM. Custom Accommodation requests are one-off accommodation requests that AIM users within your organization can submit. For course accommodation requests, please reference this document).
3Play Media offers a live captioning solution for education customers utilizing AIM to manage accommodation requests. 3Play will receive and support accommodation requests routed to the 3Play Platform from customers utilizing AIM.
NOTE: this article outlines support and features for AIM Version 5 (also known as DSV5). This feature is not currently available in AIM Version 4 (DSV4).
- AIM Version 5
- AIM Account including the "Communication Access" module
- 3Play Enterprise or Pro account
- Linked 3Play Account (please refer to this document for instructions on how to link your AIM and 3Play accounts)
What 3Play services is this integration compatible with?
- 3Play Live Professional Captioning via “Streamless” caption delivery
Step 1 - View Custom Accommodation Requests within AIM
Log in to AIM, and navigate to the Communication Access Module. In the lefthand navigation, under the Custom Requests section, select "List Requests"
Step 2 - Schedule 3Play Captions for Selected Custom Request from AIM
From the list of requests, select "View" on the request for which you'd like to schedule live captions.
Scroll to the "Third Party Assignment" Section of the page
Fill out the requisite information:
- Account: Select the appropriate linked 3Play project from the dropdown menu (this is the 3Play project where captions will be scheduled)
- Select the Time Slots: Use the check boxes to select the days of the course for which you'd like to schedule live captions
- Meeting Information: Provide the information the 3Play captioner will need to access the classroom audio (for example, this could be a link to Zoom meeting being used for the class)
- Classroom Support Email & Phone: Provide the support contact information to whom 3Play can reach out it in case an audio or other issue arises at class time
Once the form is filled out, select the Send Assignment button to automate caption scheduling in the 3Play Media platform. The 3Play Platform will then confirm successful scheduling of captions for the class schedule with the AIM platform, and provide to students directly in the AIM Platform:
- The ability to view live captions. In AIM, select View Captioned Version to access a static URL to a 3Play hosted web page per class, for your students to access captions during their class. Visible in both student and coordinator views. Visible in both student and coordinator views. Select View Live Caption.
- The ability to access and download transcripts from completed, captioned classes from the same 3Play hosted web page. Visible in both student and coordinator views. Select View Transcripts.
Step 3 - (Optional) Modify or Cancel Scheduled Captions for Custom Request
Inevitably, scheduled caption orders will change based on pre or early semester course add/drops, or individual class instance cancellations. In either of these cases, once courses have been scheduled in the 3Play Platform and assigned to captioners, canceling the captions for a course, or an individual class within a course is straightforward in the AIM platform.
You can cancel captions for the custom request by selecting Cancel from the Assignments tab for the request within AIM.
NOTE: 3Play requires 24 hour notice on Live Professional Captioning cancellation to avoid any charges for reserved captioner time.
To modify the details of a course (for example, to update the meeting information): navigate to the Assignments tab of the relevant course, and select Modify.