AIM Version 5 (DSV5): Getting Started - Linking your AIM Account to 3Play

This article provides information on linking your AIM Version 5 (DSV5) to your 3Play account. 

3Play Media offers a live captioning solution for education customers utilizing AIM to manage student accommodation requests. 3Play will receive and support accommodation requests routed to the 3Play Platform from customers utilizing AIM.

NOTE: this article outlines support and features for AIM Version 5 (also known as DSV5). If you are on AIM Version 4, please reference this document.



What 3Play services is this integration compatible with?


Step 1 - Contact 3Play to request integration to your AIM account

Contact your 3Play account manager to make API Access available to your 3Play account. Once your account manager has enabled the appropriate settings in your 3Play Account, you can proceed in linking your 3Play account to your AIM account.


Step 2 - Create your API Key in 3Play

Follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to the 3Play project in which you'd like live captions to be scheduled from AIM, and select Settings in the upper right-hand corner.


  • Once on the settings page, select APIv3 Access Management, and click "Create API Access"



  • Fill out the fields to create your API Key.
    • Title your API Key in a way that will help you remember what it is being used for (for example "AIM API Key").
    • Under Access Type, select "Project"
  • Once your API Key is created, copy it to your clipboard

Step 3 - Link your 3Play Account within AIM

Next, navigate to your AIM account and go to the Communication Access Module


  • From the Controls section in the lefthand navigation Select "Third Party API Keys" and click "Add New Type"


  • Fill out the fields to add your 3Play API key to AIM:
    • Under "Provider," select 3Play Media
    • Name your API key in a way that will help you remember the 3Play project that it's connected to (for example: "3Play <Name of your 3Play Project> API Key")
    • Paste your API key from 3Play
    • Select your time zone (this should reflect the timezone that your AIM account is set to)
    • Select "Add Entry"
  • Your AIM account is now linked to your 3Play account and you can now order 3Play live captions from within your AIM account. To see your new 3Play API key, and have 3Play as an option when selecting accommodation assignments, you must log out and log back into AIM to see changes reflected. 
    1. NOTE: A minimum of 1 dedicated 3Play project is required to contain AIM caption orders and completed transcripts. Multiple 3Play projects can be connected to your AIM account, the project to be used will be selected from within AIM, per assignment, upon sending captioning assignments to 3Play.
    2. New caption orders assigned to 3Play and transcripts of completed, captioned classes will be created in 3Play Folders that assume the name of the class being assigned to 3Play for captioning.



Step 4 - Test Your API Key

Once your 3Play account is linked to AIM, you can verify the API key is active from within AIM.

Navigate to the Communication Access Module, and under Controls in the lefthand nav, select "Third Party API Keys".


Find the API key you'd like to test, and select Modify


From there, select "Test Current API Key"


Once selected, AIM will then run a test of the Key, and you should see a "Success" Message flash. In the event you see a error message, verify your key was entered correctly. If you continue to see the error message, reach out to 3Play Support for help. 

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