MediaSite 7: Automated Caption Requests for Folders

When recorded presentations are added to a folder that has automated captioning enabled, MediaSite automatically submits the content to 3Play Media to begin the transcription process. Upon completion of the transcription process closed captions are automatically sent back to MediaSite presentations.

If presentations are already in the folder when automated captioning is enabled, users will then be given the option to enable caption requests specifically for these presentations. Once enabled for those presentations they are immediately submitted to 3Play Media for captioning.

Follow the steps below to enable automated captioning on a folder...

Step 1- Select Folder

Within MediaSite 7 locate the folder you want to enable automated captioning for.

Step 2- Manage Content > Add Delivery

Right-click the folder and then click Manage Content > Add Delivery.

Step 3- Enable Audio Transcriptions

Check the box next to Audio Transcriptions.
From the drop-down list select the 3Play Media audio transcription profile.

MediaSite 7 Closed Captions for presentations folder

Step 4- Click Save

Click Save once the 3Play Media audio transcription profile has been selected.

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