Panopto: Integration Setup

Follow the steps below to set up the closed captioning integration between 3Play Media and Panopto.

Need to link Panopto to separate 3Play Media projects?
Click for more information regarding routing recordings to specific 3Play Media projects


Step 1- Sign into 3Play Media

Sign into 3Play Media.

3Play Media logo for Panopto closed captions integration


Step 2- Navigate to Linked Accounts page

Select Linked Accounts from the action menu.

Brightcove captioning integration setup


Step 3- Select Panopto

Click the New Linked Account button and select Panopto from the menu of video platforms and lecture capture systems.

Select Panopto for closed captioning integration


Step 4- Nickname Account and Retrieve Credentials

Once Panopto is selected input a Nickname that corresponds to the 3Play Media Project's name. For example, if the integration is being set up in XYZ University's 3Play Media Sociology Project nickname the linked account Panopto - SOC. 

Once a nickname is added click Create Account.

The API and Secret API Keys will display below the Nickname field.

Keep this page with the API keys open and open a new tab in your web browser!


Step 5- Sign in to Panopto


Step 6- Navigate to  "Caption & Translation Services"

Click "System" in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. Then, select "Caption & Translation Services" in the menu that appears. 



Step 7- Create and Label Caption Services for 3Play Media

Click New at the top of the Captions Services page.

The Create Caption Services menu will display once New is clicked.


Provider and SLA 

From the Provider and SLA dropdown menu select one of the 3Play Media turnaround time options. Once selected, an Account Information section will appear with Username and Password fields.


Service Name

Add the name of the Department/Entity/User/Group that will be using this specific turnaround service level as well as something to identify the SLA type.



Account Information

In the Username field enter the API Key acquired in step 4.
In the Password field enter the API Secret Key acquired in step 4.


Service Options

Click Submit to create this Caption Services option for your team.


Step 8- Create Additional Turnaround Service Levels (optional)

Repeat these instructions from step 5 using the same API Keys to create other Caption Service options for the same department/entity/group for any other desired turnaround service levels.

New within Panopto

For example, the Sociology department would like to have the option to submit caption requests for either the 1 business day and 2 business day turnaround service levels to their 3Play Media project. Therefore a Caption Service will need to be created for each desired level and labeled similarly to this: SOCIOLOGY EXPEDITED and SOCIOLOGY RUSH








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