Vidyard Integration: Setup

Follow the steps below to set up 3Play Media's integration with Vidyard.

Step 1- Log into Vidyard

Vidyard logo

Step 2- Retrieve Vidyard API Token


Click the Admin icon in the left sidebar of your Vidyard library. Then, click "API Tokens". 


Click "Show Token" next to the admin token and copy the token that is displayed. 


See more information regarding Vidyard API Tokens

Step 3- Log into your 3Play Media account

Open a new browser window and log into 3Play Media.

3Play Media Captioning Transcription translation services account login


Step 4- Navigate to Linked Accounts page

Select Linked Accounts from the action menu.

Brightcove captioning integration setup


Step 5- Select Vidyard

Click the New Linked Account button and select Vidyard from the list of video platforms and lecture capture systems.

Brightcove CMS for closed captions integration with 3Play Media


Step 6- Enable Integration Features

Nickname (Optional)

If desired, give a custom name to the integration. 

Postback Captions

Turn Postback Captions to On to have captions, upon completion of the transcription process, automatically sent to and associated with the Vidyard assets. While translation requests can only be made directly from the user's 3Play Media account, upon completion of the translation process, the subtitles also will automatically postback to Vidyard.

Auto Upload

Turn Auto Upload to On to enable the ability to submit caption requests directly from Vidyard.


Audio Descriptions

Turn On Postback Audio Description in order for the AD video asset to be automatically sent to Vidyard, once the AD is complete.


Step 7- Enter API Token and Create Account

In the Api key field enter the API token retrieved from Vidyard in step 2 and then click Create Account.


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