Getting started with Clipmaker
By default Clipmaker is not immediately available when your 3Play Media Pro account is activated. To have Clipmaker enabled please contact your 3Play Media account representative or email
Once enabled the Clipmaker tab will display at the top of the page.
Step 1- Click Clipmaker tab
Click on Clipmaker to start a new project.
Step 2- Click New
Step 3- Configure and create project
Next name this new Clipmaker project and set the project Ownership to either Private or Shared.
Name and Ownership can be edited after the project is created.
Choose to either include All or specific folders only for Select Resources. The resources included in your project cannot be edited after the project is created.
After configuring the project, click Create.
Step 4- Start working on your Clipmaker project
After clicking Create you will be directed to the Clipmaker project management page.
Click Open in Clipmaker to begin creating new clip reels and saving them to this project.