Limelight: Enable Captions to Postback Automatically


After your files have been processed, the captions can be automatically sent to Limelight and associated with their respective media files. 

For this to work, you will need to (i) turn Postback Captions on and (ii) enter your Limelight credentials on the Upload Credentials page for your linked Limelight account.

Note: If you have previously linked your Limelight and 3Play accounts but would like to activate this feature, navigate to your linked Limelight account and click Edit Credentials. After navigating to your Limelight credentials within your 3Play Media account, skip to step 5 of this article.

NOTE: In order to use the integration with Limelight and 3Play Media your Limelight content must be published.

See more information on publishing your Limelight content


Step 1- Log into Limelight

Limelight login


Step 2- Navigate to Developer Tools

Once logged in, click Settings > Developer Tools.  

Limelight Developer Tools


Step 3- Note your credentials

Note your Organization ID, and both your access and secret authentication keys.


Step 4- Log into 3Play Media

Open a new browser window and log into your 3Play Media account.

3Play Media login

Step 5- Navigate to New Linked Account

On the top of the page hover your cursor over Upload Media and a drop-down menu will appear.
Navigate to Linked Accounts > New Linked Account

New Linked Account Video Platform integration

Alternatively, you can click on the Upload New Files icon and then on the following page click Through a Linked Account.


Step 6- Select Limelight 

Click the Limelight icon from the list of video platforms or lecture capture systems.Select Limelight Captioning Integration


Step 7- Enter your Limelight credentials

Enter the Limelight credentials you noted in step 3.
Turn on Postback Captions if you want your captions automatically sent back and added to your Limelight content upon completion.
Click Save

Link Limelight account

If you linked accounts successfully you should see the following message:

Successfully updated credentials


Next steps- 

Upload Limelight content to 3Play Media from your linked account

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