Vimeo Integration Setup

Step 1 - Navigate to Linked Accounts

After logging in to 3Play Media, click Linked Accounts located at the top of the page.

Brightcove captioning integration setup


Step 2- Click "Link a new Account"


Step 3- Select Vimeo

Click the Vimeo icon from the list of video platforms and lecture capture systems.

Brightcove closed captions and subtitle integration

Click the Vimeo icon from the list of video platforms and lecture capture systems.


Step 4- Sign in to Vimeo

Enter the email address and password associated with your Vimeo account.

  • If your Vimeo account is linked to your Google, Facebook, or Apple accounts, you can click the appropriate account provider ( Facebook, Google, Apple ) to enter the appropriate login information. 
  • If 3Play auto-detects an account that you do not wish to link, or you would like to link a different account that the suggested account,  you can click the downward arrow next to your profile name and select "Switch Account".   


Step 5- Allow 3Play Access to Vimeo

After signing into Vimeo, you will be asked if 3Play Media can have access to your Vimeo account.  3Play Media will never post anything to your Vimeo account, we need these other permissions to allow the integration to fully function.  We need these permissions to get access to download urls and to add and edit captions.  Customers shouldn’t be afraid of  the messaging of “Uploading videos on my behalf." : we only need that permission to upload captions.

After clicking Allow you will be redirected back to your linked Vimeo account within your 3Play Media account. From here, you can change settings for postback , or give your linked Vimeo account an ( optional ) nickname. 



Step 6 - Enable Auto Postback

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Only Vimeo PRO account holders will see the option for auto postback.
  • Enabling auto-postback, allows caption files to be automatically delivered to their corresponding videos in Vimeo, upon transcription completion.  You can also name your linked Vimeo account from the Settings menu.



Click HERE, to learn how to upload Vimeo videos to 3Play Media, from your Vimeo account for captioning.

Click HERE, to learn how to upload Vimeo videos to 3Play Media, from your 3Play Media account for captioning.

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