Zoom: Required Settings for Zoom Hosts and Participants (Meetings and Webinars)

This article is intended to help prepare both meeting hosts and meeting participants set up and experience 3Play Media's captioning in Zoom meetings and webinars. 

If you need help linking your 3Play Media accounts, follow the directions on the article here.

For Hosts (Meetings)

Before scheduling a meeting that needs captions, navigate to a web browser and head to zoom.com. Sign into zoom and navigate to My Account -> Settings -> In Meeting (Advanced).



Turn on “Allow livestreaming of meetings” and check “Custom Live Streaming Service.”

Note: You must click the toggle button beside "Allow livestreaming of meetings" to the on position to see the submenu options below. Make sure to check "Custom Live Streaming Service".:



Disable Zoom's Native Auto Captions, as they can prevent ability to view 3Play captions:


All Participants:

All hosts and participants must have the closed captions button turned ON in order to set up or view captions in Zoom events. This setting is turned on by default for all Zoom users, and can also be found by logging into zoom.us and going to My Account > Settings > In Meeting (Advanced).

Turning on closed captioning for Zoom meetings and webinars in the Zoom settings



For Zoom Account Owners (Webinars or Meetings)

Zoom account owners have the ability to set these settings as the default for all users in their Zoom account. The Zoom owner account has an additional set of settings that are under Admin > Account Management > Account Settings. 



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