Zoom: Schedule Live Auto Captioning for a Zoom Meeting

Follow the steps below to schedule Live Auto Captioning for a Zoom Meeting once Zoom has been linked to your 3Play Media project.  


  • In order to be able to fully implement Live Auto Captions within 3Play Media you must be the Host of the Zoom Meeting!

Things to do prior to scheduling a meeting:

Step 1 - Schedule the meeting within the Zoom web client

Login to zoom.us and schedule a meeting

Top navigation bar where schedule meeting button can be found

Schedule the meeting for the right time, adding any other information and settings necessary. If the preliminary Zoom and 3Play linkages have been successfully created, most of the settings in a meeting will not have an impact on the live captions and should be set based on personal preference. 

The schedule meeting form in Zoom.us

Only the meeting ID will have an impact on the necessary steps to get live captions:

Selecting what type of meeting id, Generate Automatically, or Personal Meeting ID

If Generate Automatically is selected, please continue with the rest of this guide. If personal meeting ID is selected, there will be an additional step outlined later in Step 2.


Step 2 - Part 1 - Schedule the event in 3Play

Navigate to your 3Play Media account and click Live Auto Captioning in the top navigation bar. 

Button in 3Play to get to the Live Auto Captioning Scheduling Page

Under the Schedule New Event section on the right, select your Zoom integration.

If this doesn't appear, the integration with Zoom may not have been set up properly. Please read this guide on how to link Zoom and 3Play Media.

Button to navigate to the meetings and webinars in the linked zoom account, in 3Play

Click the dropdown menu and select the appropriate user. All users in the linked Zoom account will appear.

All of the scheduled meetings for that user will display. Check the box of the Zoom webinar that needs Live Auto Captioning, enter a start time and date, and click Schedule. The scheduled time for the Zoom meeting will appear as the default time, but any time can be selected. PLEASE NOTE: The time selected here will be the earliest that 3Play Live captions can be used on this meeting. This is the time that the 3Play live server will become available, and if this time is set after the beginning of the meeting, the captions will not be available immediately. In order to make sure captions are available in time for the participants to enter the meeting, it is best to schedule the 3Play captioning event 5 to 15 minutes before the scheduled time of the Zoom meeting.

Selecting a meeting from the available Zoom meetings, in 3Play's account system



  • Live Auto Captioning event scheduling defaults to US-Eastern time unless a new timezone has been configured at the user level and configured for users outside of the US-Eastern time zone.
  • If the Zoom meeting was originally scheduled through Google calendar, as opposed to the Zoom web client, then the event start time will appear blank on the Scheduling page. This is a limitation of Zoom, however the event start time can be manually entered.
  • If the event is scheduled greater than 5 minutes in the future, the event settings may be edited: Live Auto Captioning: Edit 3Play Event Settings


Step 2 - Part 2: If a personal meeting ID is used to schedule the Zoom Meeting:

If 'Generate Automatically' was the setting selected when setting up the Zoom Meeting in Step 1, please skip to step 3. 

After both the Zoom meeting and the 3Play Captioning event are scheduled, a Stream URL and a Stream Key need to be added to the Zoom meeting in order to use live captions with a personal meeting ID. 

The correct Stream URL and Stream Key can be found in the pending 3Play Live Auto Captioning Event.

Where to find the Stream URL and Stream key, in the 3Play Live Auto captioning scheduler on the pending or in progress event

Next, navigate to the scheduled Zoom meeting in zoom.us. Navigate to My Account > Meetings and click on the appropriate meeting.

Place to add the stream url and the stream key, in Zoom, for a meeting

Navigate to the bottom of the meeting details and click Configure Live Stream Settings. Enter the Stream URL and Stream Key  into the window that appears. For Live streaming page URL enter https://3playmedia.com or any valid URL. This field is required, but the value has no bearing on the zoom meeting or the live captions. UPDATE: As of September 2020, Zoom will retain the streaming information of the last personal meeting room meeting, meaning that the old RTMP URL and Stream Key will be entered in this streaming section of the Zoom Meeting. If this information is not updated, the go-live will initially fail until the new information has been added. 


Note that the URL must begin with http:// or https://.

Place to find the settings for the stream url and stream key in zoom for meetingsModal to add the stream url and the stream key in zoom for a zoom meeting

Step 3 - Starting the Zoom Meeting

After both the Zoom meeting is scheduled and the 3Play captioning event is ready and the time for the meeting has arrived, start the Zoom meeting. 

Once the Zoom meeting has begun, select the Closed Caption button.

Click on the closed caption button in the active zoom meeting

Click "Copy the API token".

Copy the API token after clicking on closed captions

Step 4- Paste the Zoom API Token for the Zoom Meeting into the 3Play Live Event

You should now see this meeting under the Scheduled and In Progress Live Auto Captioning Events section of the Live Auto Captioning page.

Paste the API Token from Step 3 into the Caption Ingest URL field, then click Update.

Paste the API token into the 3Play Live auto Captioning event in the API token field


Step 5- Begin Live Streaming the Meeting

Return to your Zoom Meeting. On the bottom bar, click More > Live on Custom Live Streaming Service.

Important: This should be done at or shortly after the Live Event start time scheduled in 3Play.  If the event in 3Play is scheduled for 3:00pm but you attempt to go live at 2:58pm, the 3Play live server will not be ready and meeting will not be able to go live. Please wait until the 3Play Live captioning event start time to try again. If you have any questions, refer to the instructions in Step 2 - Part 1 of this article. 

More and go live on custom stream server buttons in the active zoom meeting

As a warning, going Live on Customer Live Streaming Service will open a web page to indicate that the meeting is in the process of going live. The Zoom meeting will persist, and that window can be closed at any time after the meeting has successfully gone live.

NOTE: If a personal meeting ID was used for the meeting, and the directions in Step 2 - Part 2 were not followed, the Stream URL and Stream Key from 3Play's corresponding live event (The one scheduled in Step 2 - Part 1) will now be needed. The web page will open and ask for these details, which can be found on the 3Play Live event in the 3Play account system. For Live streaming page URL, enter 3Playmedia.com or any website. This field is required but has no bearing on the zoom meeting or the live captions. 


UPDATE: As of September 2020, the streaming information of the last meeting to use the personal meeting room will be retained, so if this information was not updated prior to the meeting go-live, the go-live button will not open a browser to ask for these details, but will rather attempt to go live with the old information. Once this step fails, users will be able to add the streaming information of the new meeting. After doing so, a re-attempt to go-live will be successful. 


Captions should now appear within 5-10 seconds.Captions displaying in a live zoom meeting

If you get a message from Zoom such as the one below saying "Unable to live stream to the custom service", please confirm the correct Zoom API Token was pasted into 3Play in Step 4. If so, Zoom is likely encountering high traffic, and captions will likely appear within a minute or two.

Zoom error: Unable to live stream to the custom service

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