Blackboard Collaborate: Request Automatic Captions

Once the integration is set up, the steps below to auto-generate closed captions for Blackboard recordings....

Only ASR (automatic speech recognition) captions are available with this integration. However, if human-edited captions are desired, we recommend upgrading to a full transcription in your 3Play Media account. Once that upgrade completes, you may download the 3Play caption file and manually add it to your Blackboard recording.

Step 1- Log in to Blackboard Collaborate

Navigate to your Blackboard Collaborate login page.

Blackboard Login

Step 2- Select Recordings

Click Recordings on the left-hand side of the page.

Side Panel Select Recordings in BB

Step 3- Click Auto-Generate Captions

Select the recording and click the CC button to reveal a dropdown menu.
Click Auto-generate captions.

Upon completion of processing, the ASR captions will post back to the recording automatically within a couple hours, at most 24 hours.

Blackboard Auto Generate Captions

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