Mediasite 6.0: Enable Automated Captioning for a Presentation

You can enable automated captioning for a presentation directly from that presentation's summary page. Once the presentation is recorded and published to the Mediasite server, Mediasite automatically uploads the media files to 3Play Media. Once the captioning is completed, 3Play Media uploads the closed caption file to the Mediasite server.

To enable closed captioning for a presentation:


Step 1- Select the presentation

Navigate to the presentation you want to caption.


Step 2- Enable captioning

On the presentation's Summary page, if automated captioning is disabled, click Disabled under Captioning.


Step 3- Select Automate Captioning

In Captioning Configuration, select the Presentation Captioning Enabled check box and then select Automate Captioning.

Mediasite 6.0 Captioning Configuration


Step 4- Select 3Play Media

Click Select Caption Provider > Find Existing to search for and select 3Play Media. If you don't see 3Play Media listed here, click Select Caption Provider > Add and then follow the instructions on linking your 3Play Media and Mediasite accounts.


Step 5- Select turnaround service level

Select the Rush Job check box if you would like to opt for a one business day turnaround. If Rush Job is not selected, standard turnaround will be assigned to this presentation which is four business days.

See more information on turnaround service levels.


Step 6- Click Save

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