YouTube: Link Accounts and Enable Postback Captions

Once you link your accounts, 3Play Media will be able to pull a feed of all public content from your YouTube channel. You will then be able to upload your YouTube content for captioning and transcription directly from within the 3Play app. 

  • Please note that 3Play Media cannot access videos that have been set to private

By following the steps below,  captions will automatically postback to the associated videos on your YouTube channel when the files are completed by default. This feature can be disabled after initial setup.


Best Practices Tip
Before linking a 3Play Media account to a YouTube channel,  it is best practice to first sign out of all Google and YouTube pages. 


Step 1 - Navigate to Linked Accounts

After logging in to 3Play Media, click Linked Accounts located at the top of the page.

Brightcove captioning integration setup


Step 2- Click "Link a new Account"


Step 3- Select YouTube

Click the YouTube icon from the list of video platforms and lecture capture systems.
Once YouTube is selected you will be redirected to a Google sign-in page.


Step 4- Sign into Google

Enter the email address and password associated with your YouTube account.

Google sign in

PLEASE NOTE: If you were already signed into Google or YouTube, the channels associated with your credentials will display automatically. 


Step 5- Select a YouTube channel

After signing into Google, the YouTube channels associated with your credentials are displayed.
Select the channel you want to link to your 3Play Media account.

YouTube channel Google authentication



Step 6- Click Allow

Click Allow to enable the link between your 3Play Media account and your YouTube channel. 

After clicking Allow you will be redirected back to 3Play Media account to this integration's settings page. A message will display indicating that You have successfully linked your YouTube account! 


Step 7- Enable Postback Captions

On the integration settings page, set Postback Captions? to On to have the captions automatically associated with the YouTube videos upon completion of the transcription process. 

  • If you intend to link multiple YouTube channels to your 3Play Media account, you may want to nickname the integration to easily identify this integration from other integrations.

Click Update once you have completed this process. 


Next step-

Upload your YouTube videos to 3Play Media for processing from your linked account

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