Warpwire Integration Setup

Step 1 - Log in to 3Play Media Account

Open a new browser window and log into your 3Play Media account. 

3Play Media Captioning Transcription translation services account login


Step 2 - Navigate to Linked Accounts page

Select Linked Accounts from the action menu.

Brightcove captioning integration setup


Step 3 - Select Warpwire 

Click the New Linked Account button and select Warpwire from the list of video platforms and lecture capture systems.

  • Give your Warpwire account an ( optional ) nickname
  • Click "Create Account". 


Step 4 - Copy API Keys

After creating your Warpwire account, click "Edit" to view the settings for your linked account in 3Play. This will display an API Key and Secret Key to use with Warpwire.

  • Copy the API keys, to be used with your Warpwire account.

Warpwire API keys


Step 5 - Navigate to Your Warpwire Account

Log in to your Warpwire account.  Navigate to the Warpwire Admin Tool, first click your username in the upper-right corner of the screen, then click "Warpwire Admin."

Warpwire Login and Admin Button


Step 6 - Add Closed Caption Profile

Click the Add Profile button.  Select 3Play Media as the provider, then add the API Keys that were acquired from Step 4.  

  • A new profile must be added for each 3Play Media turnaround level.  These turnaround levels are: Standard, Expedited, Rush, and Same Day.  Make sure to select the proper turnaround for each profile that is created. Once complete, there should be 4 profiles.

Click Add Profile Button

  • IMPORTANT: By the end, there should be 4 profiles, and they should read as follows:
    • 3Play Media - Standard
    • 3Play Media - Same Day
    • 3Play Media - Rush
    • 3Play Media - Expedited
  • Make sure the API Keys have been added to each profile, and select the proper turnaround for each profile.
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