Follow the steps below to set up the integration between 3Play Media and Canvas.
Please note that only Canvas instructors/admins will be able to complete the integration setup.
Once set up, 3Play Media's integration with Canvas allows for an interactive transcript and audio description plugin to be embedded on a Canvas page along with a YouTube or Vimeo player.
IMPORTANT: The purpose of this integration is not for ordering closed captions and/or audio description. The purpose is for streamlining the process of embedding an interactive transcript and/or audio description plugin with a YouTube or Vimeo player within Canvas.
Step 1- Sign into 3Play Media
Sign into 3Play Media.
Step 2- Navigate to Linked Accounts page
Select Linked Accounts from the action menu.
Step 3- Select Canvas
Click the New Linked Account button and select Canvas from the list of video platforms and lecture capture systems.
Step 4- Nickname Account and Retrieve Credentials
Once Canvas is selected input a Nickname and click Create Account.
The API KEY, Secret API Key, and a Configuration URL will display below the Nickname field once Create Account is clicked.
Keep this page with the API keys open and open a new tab in your web browser!
Step 5- Sign into Canvas
Step 6- Select Course
Select a Course from the Canvas Dashboard or create a new Course and then select it.
Step 7- Navigate to + App
Click Settings on the left-hand side of the page.
Click the Apps tab from the Course's Settings page.
Step 8- Add Credentials
Click View App Configurations followed by + App.
When the Add App menu appears select By URL from the Configuration Type drop down menu.
Add a Name for the integration.
Enter the credentials that were retrieved in step 4.
Enter the API Key in the Consumer Key field.
Enter the API Secret Key in the Shared Secret field.
Next add the Configuration URL to the Config URL field and then click Submit.
Once clicked a message will display that, "The app was added" and the name given to app will display now under the External Apps section.