DigitalChalk: Ordering Closed Captions

Once a video has been fully uploaded, and the API credentials have been added, captions will be ready to order.  More information about uploading files to a DigitalChalk account can be found HERE.

Step 1 - Log Into DigitalChalk Account

Open a new browser window and log into your DigitalChalk account.

Digital Chalk Login Screen

Step 2 - Select Media

Navigate to Manage Courses-> Choose Course-> Manage Media and select a video you want closed captioned by 3Play Media.

Step - 3 Select Turnaround Time

Click the small gear icon, to set up the turnaround time for the captions to be ordered.  From the next screen, the turnaround time can be set to either Standard, Expedited, Rush, or Same Day.  

Set Turnaround Time for Ordering captions from 3Play Media

See more information regarding 3Play Media's turnaround service levels.

Click Gear to Set Turnaround Time when Ordering Captions

 After selecting your turnaround time, click Save.

Step 4 - Submit Request

Once you have set your turnaround service level, click Add to submit the request for closed captions for this video.

Send request for closed captions to 3Play Media from DigitalChalk

Upon completion of the transcription process by 3Play Media, the closed captions will be added automatically to corresponding DigitalChalk video.


Have more questions? Submit a request


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