Watch the video below to learn how to set up the integration between 3Play Media and Cattura Learning Engine as well as how to request captions for videos.
This is Emily Schelling with Cattura Video. And today, I'm going to show you how to take advantage of the Learning Engine's integration with 3Play Media.
If you click on the cogwheel up here on the top right-hand corner, you'll be taken to our Settings menu where you will need to enter in your 3Play Media credentials, including your API key and your API secret key. To find that, you will need to go to your 3Play account. And if you're still unsure on where to find that, they have a really great database within their support docs where you can easily locate that information.
Once that has been entered in, you'll just click Save, and you'll click on Manage, and choose a video that you've uploaded to YouTube, and click on Edit. If you scroll down to the 3Play captioning portion of our Learning Engine, you will see that you have several different options on turnaround time for this video, so anywhere from eight hours to 10 days. That will basically determine how long it will take for it to populate over into the Learning Engine. And you just click Submit to 3Play.
Once you've done that, your students will be able to take advantage of our integration in that we offer speech-to-text searching. So if I just click on this video that's already been submitted to 3Play and I just type in a common word, such as "the," I'm shown several different transcription results-- 23, in fact. And so now a student can go directly to the point in time where you said a certain word or if those letters appeared consecutively within another word.
Alternatively, if you scroll over to this little arrow within our note card, you're taken to the transcription for the entire video. You have a few different options. So you can either follow along-- this will actually scroll in an automated way along with the video. Alternatively, if you wanted to print this out, you could easily do that. And then if you wanted to change the font size by either decreasing it or increasing it to whatever you prefer.
And that is our 3Play integration.