Mediasite 6.1: Enable Automated Captioning for a Presentation

You can enable automated captioning on a presentation directly from its summary page.
Once the presentation is recorded and published to the Mediasite Server, Mediasite automatically uploads the media files to 3Play Media. Once the captioning is completed, 3Play Media posts the closed captions file to the Mediasite Server. 

Follow the steps below to enable automated captioning for a presentation.

Step 1- Check if automated captioning is disabled

Navigate to the presentation that you want to enable closed captioning for.
On the presentation's Summary page, if automated captioning is disabled, click Disabled under Captioning.


Step 2- Click Automate Captioning

In the Captioning Configuration dialog, select the Presentation Captioning Enabled check box. 
Select the Automate Captioning radio button. 


Step 3- Select 3Play Media

Click Select Caption Provider > Find Existing > 3Play Media

Step 4- Select Rush Job (optional)

Check the box next to Rush Job if you would like your captions returned in one business day, provided that your file is uploaded by 8pm ET.

See more information on 3Play Media's turnaround service levels.


Step 5- Click Save

Mediasite 6.1

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