Ensemble Video: Integration Setup

Once you link your accounts, 3Play Media will be able to pull a feed of all public content from your Ensemble account.

You will then be able to upload your Ensemble content for captioning and transcription directly from within the 3Play app.

By following the steps below, the captions automatically postback to the associated videos in your Ensemble account when the files are completed by default. 

Step 1- Navigate to Linked Accounts page

Select Linked Accounts from the action menu.

Link new YouTube channel for captioning workflow

Step 2- Select Ensemble Video

Click the New Linked Account button and select Ensemble Video from the list of video platforms and lecture capture systems.

Select Ensemble Video for closed captioning integration

Step 3- Enter Ensemble Video credentials

Once selecting the Ensemble Video icon you will be directed to the Settings page where you will need to enter the Ensemble Video Username, Password, and Server URL to set up the integration as these are required fields. Note that the Server URL is the URL you would enter into your browser when logging into your Ensemble Video account.

Example Server URL
Your Ensemble Video Server URL will look similar to the example below...


For the optional (Nickname) field feel free to enter a nickname for this linked account.

Set Postback Captions to ON to have the closed captions automatically postback to the associated video upon completion of the transcription process.

Enter Ensemble Video credentials to set up closed captioning integration with 3Play Media

Step 4- Click Create Account

After entering your Ensemble Video credentials click Create Account and you will see a message that the accounts have been successfully linked.

Create linked Ensemble Video account for closed captioning workflow with 3Play Media

Next step-

Upload your Ensemble Video content to 3Play Media for processing from your linked account

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