MediaSpace Module: View Closed Captions and Interactive Transcript

Once the caption request is complete viewers can then turn on and off the closed captions as well as an interactive transcript when viewing the video in MediaSpace.

Display Closed Captions

To view the closed captions, click the CC button located in the bottom, right-hand corner of the video player.

Turn Closed Captions on for MediaSpace video


Interactive Transcript

The interactive transcript highlights the words as they are spoken in the video. The interactive transcript is searchable. Search terms to navigate the video.

To display the interactive transcript click the Interactive Transcript button located below the video player.                                                                                                     Interactive Transcript in MediaSpace Module

Navigate the video by entering terms in the Search in Video field. The video search results allow viewers to jump to a specific section of the video, helping them find exactly what they’re looking.

Search MediaSpace video using Interactive Transcript

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