Streaming Video Service

3Play Media offers a Streaming Video Service, that makes it easy to share content uploaded to your 3Play Media project, along with an interactive transcript.  Here is more information about the interactive transcript.

This feature gives users the ability to share videos, along with an interactive transcript to people without account access, should they need to quickly review, and/or watch your transcribe content.

The Streaming Video Service, is subscription-based, and costs $49 per month.  Contact your 3Play Media account manager to activate this service.

Follow the steps below to share your videos along with an interactive transcript to those without 3Play Media access, using the Streaming Video Service.

Lastly, Content Publishing must be enabled before using this feature.


Step 1- Log in to 3Play Media

Open a new browser window and log into your 3Play Media account.

3Play Media Transcription Captioning account login


Step 2- Activate Video Streaming Module

Click Settings located at the top right-hand corner of the account page.  Scroll down and click Video Streaming, located under Add-On Modules.

Activate Video Streaming Module from Settings

Click Activate Video Streaming.  

Step 3- Select File for Streaming

From the My Files page, locate the file you want to stream.
Click the file's name to open the file level actions menu.

Step 4- Click Publish 

Click the Publish button located above the transcript, and from the drop-down menu that appears, click Publish Video.


Step 5- Copy the Embed Code

Step 6 - Paste Embed Code into Your Website

Here is an example of what the video will look like, complete with interactive transcript.

Step 7- (Optional) Share a Streaming Link

You can immediately share this video and interactive transcript via a link.  Follow the instructions below to make a shareable URL.


Below is an example of a streaming video embed code.  Remove the text that is in bold below to make a shareable URL.

<iframe src="//

" frameborder=0 height="600" width="640"></iframe> 

Remove from the beginning:<iframe src="//

Remove from the end:  " frameborder=0 height="600" width="640"></iframe> 

After modifying the code, it should now look similar to this:

You can now share this link with others.  

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