To use the interactive transcript with an embedded Limelight video, follow the steps for getting Limelight's video embed code here. Make sure to copy the “Website(JavaScript)” code and insert it into your *Plugin SDK div, as shown below (embed code in pink):
<div class="p3sdk-container p3sdk-debug" player_id="limelight-player-6" player_type="limelight">
<span class="LimelightEmbeddedPlayer"><script src="//"></script><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="limelight_player_914563" name="limelight_player_914563" class="LimelightEmbeddedPlayerFlash" width="480" height="321" data="//"><param name="movie" value="//"/><param name="wmode" value="window"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="flashVars" value="playerForm=Player&mediaId=a3e00274d4564ec4a9b29b9466432335"/></object><script>LimelightPlayerUtil.initEmbed('limelight_player_914563');</script></span>
To give the plugin sdk access to the video player, you will need to “register” the player by placing the following JavaScript code on your page. Make sure the var id (highlighted in yellow), you are passing in matches the player_id in your p3sdk container div (in this case, "limelight-player-6"):
<script type="text/javascript">
function limelightPlayerCallback (playerId, eventName, data){
var id = <strong "limelight-player-6";
if (eventName == 'onPlayerLoad' && (LimelightPlayer.getPlayers() == null || LimelightPlayer.getPlayers().length == 0))
</script>*The Plugin SDK is sometimes referred to as "P3SDK"