Follow the instructions found at: to include the AblePlayer video player to your website.
Make sure that the video code is container inside of the p3sdk-container div. The video tag's id must match the player_id of the p3sdk-container (highlighted in pink) and the player_type of the p3sdk-container should be set to "ableplayer"(highlighted in yellow).
<div class="p3sdk-container" player_id="video1" player_type="ableplayer">
<video id="video1" data-able-player preload="auto" width="480" height="360" poster="path_to_image.jpg">
<source type="video/webm" src="path_to_video.webm" data-desc-src="path_to_described_video.webm"/>
<source type="video/mp4" src="path_to_video.mp4" data-desc-src="path_to_described_video.mp4"/>
<track kind="captions" src="path_to_captions.vtt"/>
<track kind="descriptions" src="path_to_descriptions.vtt"/>