Follow the steps below to download a closed captions file from your 3Play Media project and manually add them to MediaSite.
If you need to download multiple file, see more information regarding batch downloads.
PRO TIP: Configure the SRT, DFXP, or SMI as one of your favorite formats before beginning.
Step 1- Select the File
Locate the file from the My Files that corresponds to your MediaSite lecture.
Click the file's name to open the file level actions menu.
Step 2- Click Quick Download icon
Step 3- Download SRT, DFXP, or SMI
From the drop down menu that appears click a previously saved favorite format- either SRT, DFXP, or SMI will work.
Once the format is selected it will immediately download to your computer.
If your project does not have any favorite formats configured, click +Add favorite formats
See more information on Favorite Formats.
Step 6- Log into MediaSite
Step 7- Navigate to the Presentation
Navigate to the presentation you want to add captions to.
On the presentation's summary page, if automated captioning is disabled, click Disabled under Captioning.
Step 8- Select the box next to Presentation Captioning Enabled
In the Captioning Configuration dialog box, select the Presentation Captioning Enabled check box.
Select the Manual Upload button.
Step 9- Upload the Captions
Click Select to locate the captions you downloaded in step 5.
Select the captions file and click Upload.