MediaAMP: Integration Setup


Follow the steps below to set up the integration between your 3Play Media account and MediaAMP. When setting up this integration it is best practice to create a 3Play-specific mpx Editor user profile within your MediaAMP account. These credentials will be used to access videos residing on MediaAMP so that 3Play Media can then ingest content for creating captions.

Step 1- Navigate to Users

Once signed into MediaAMP locate Account Setup on the left-hand side of the page.
Click Account Setup > Users.

thePlatform add new user

Step 2- Click Add

Once the list of existing users appears click Add located below the user list. 

Step 3- Enter User Information

Fill in the information within the Basic Settings window.

>Under User Directory be sure this is configured to mpx Users (mpx/)
>Fill in the Username
>Set a Password 
>Under Role select Editor 
>Filling out the Full name field is optional

thePlatform New User Setup

PRO TIP: Filling out the Email address field is not required, however, we do recommend giving the email of a real person within the company in case the password for the 3Play Media account is forgotten. 

Step 4- Note new user's credentials

Take note of the username and password.

You will also need to take note of the account number, which can be found by clicking on the information icon located at the upper right corner of the page.

thePlatform information button

The account number is the 10-digit number found at the end of the url.

thePlatform account number

Step 5- Navigate to +New Linked Account

After logging into your 3Play Media account click Upload Media located on the My Files page. 
By default you will be directed to Upload Media > From Computer.

Click Linked Account and from the drop-down menu that appears click +New Linked AccountLink new YouTube channel for captioning workflow

Step 6- Select MediaAMP

From list menu of video platforms and lecture capture systems select MediaAMP.

Step 7- Create linked account

Fill out the fields with the information of the newly created MediaAMP user that was created in step 1.

Postback Captions

Turn Postback Captions to On to have captions, upon completion of the transcription process, automatically sent to and associated with the MediaFiles residing on MediaAMP. While translation requests can only be made directly from the user's 3Play Media account, upon completion of the translation process, the subtitles also will automatically postback to the mpx even though the translations were not requested from the mpx.

Once you have entered the required information, click Create Account.


Step 8- Ask MediaAMP to Set Up a Custom Ingest Adapter

Please contact your MediaAMP representative to enable your account to integrate with 3Play Media using our FTP Manifest workflow. You will need to ask them to provide a "custom ingest adapter for 3Play Media" using the credentials below. After linking your account, you will be ready to request captions for videos within your MediaAMP mpx account.

Once the integration is setup and working, you can start your orders for 3Play Media services by clicking the Publish button. The specifics of how to proceed with orders will then vary, depending on your particular setup. Please consult your MediaAMP Account Manager for details.


If you edit captions for a MediaAMP file in 3Play and you need to post back those edits to the MediaAMP player, please contact Support and provide the 3Play File ID in your request.

About custom workflows.

3Play Media offers support for custom workflows, server IDs and file naming conventions with MediaAMP.  If this is required, contact 3Play Media will then consult with MediaAMP to explore implementing these features.

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