Adobe Connect: Add Captions for Offline Viewing

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Adobe Connect is a popular web conferencing platform for web meetings, eLearning, and webinars. Native support for real-time captions is available through an interface for live captioners. However, adding offline captions to a recorded meeting is tricky and requires a bit of a workaround.

This article provides step by step instructions on adding offline captions to an Adobe Connect recording so it can be viewed with YouTube, iTunes, QuickTime, and any mobile devices. You’ll also be able to upload your captioned recording to a web server or make it available for offline viewing.

Adobe Connect captions


The first part of this process is to export a version of your Adobe Connect recording for offline viewing. 
Creating an offline recording takes approximately the same amount of time as the duration of the original meeting.

For additional information, see Adobe’s documentation on creating an offline recording.  

Create an Offline Adobe Connect Recording


Step 1- Log into Adobe Connect

Adobe Connect Login

Step 2- Select your meeting or classroom

From your Adobe Connect account, click Meetings (or Training), and select the meeting or classroom that contains the recording you want captioned.


Step 3- Click Recordings > Make Offline

Click Recordings and click Make Offline beside the recording you want to caption. 

 Adobe Connect make offline recording

Note: You may have to install an Adobe Connect add-in. 


Step 4- Save recording as an FLV file

From the help window that appears click Proceed with Offline Recording and save the FLV file to your computer.


Step 5- Create the offline version of your recording

The meeting will begin playing and the offline recording will be created as it is playing.
To capture the entire meeting, play the meeting from start to finish.
You also have the ability to record portions of the meeting by clicking the Stop and Save button.

The Pause/Resume button temporarily stops creation of the offline recording.
When you resume, the recording will continue from where it left off, and the finished recording will be one continuous file without any interruptions.

When the recording process finishes, close the offline recorder window. 

Adobe Connect Recording complete

Once the offline recording is saved to your computer as an FLV video you will want to upload this file to your 3Play Media account to begin the captioning process.


Submit the Adobe Connect Recording to 3Play Media for Captioning


Step 6- Log into 3Play Media

Transcription Closed Captions Subtitles account login

Step 7- Upload your offline recording for captioning

From the Upload menu, select Direct Upload and follow the on-screen prompts to specify turnaround and other options. For additional details, read the support article on uploading videos for captioning. 

Upload content for captioning adobe connect videos

An email notification will be sent the morning following the delivery date as a reminder that your captions are ready.

Download Your Adobe Connect Recording with Captions

Follow the next steps to produce a self-contained M4V file with embedded closed captions that can be turned on or off by the end user.

There is also an option to produce an M4V file with open captions that are burned into the video and cannot be turned off. 


Step 8- Select the file associated with your Adobe Connect Recording

Once the transcription process is complete log into your 3Play Media account and locate the completed file from the My Files page.
Click on the name of the file to navigate to the file show page.

Step 9- Order Caption Encoding

From the file show page, click on Order located above the transcript followed by Caption Encoding

See more information on ordering a video with encoded captions


Step 10- Download your video with encoded captions

The caption encoding process may take up to 4 hours.
Upon completion, you will receive an email notification with a link to download the video. 

See more information on downloading your video with encoded captions



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