Adobe Flash CS5.5: Adding Captions and Subtitles

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Follow the steps below to create a Flash video file with closed captions or subtitles using Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5. For additional information, see Adobe’s resources on captioning video in Adobe Flash CS5.5. Also, see Adobe’s resources for captioning in Flash CS4 and Flash CS3.


Step 1- Log into your 3Play Media account

After receiving a notification email that your file is ready for download, log into your 3Play Media account.

3Play Media login


Step 2- Select your file

Locate the file associated with the video you intend to work with in CS5.5. When it has been selected, the box to the left of the filename will become checked and the line will become highlighted in blue.

Select file to download


Step 3- Click Download

Click on the Download button located above your list of files.

Request download for file


Step 4- Download the DFXP format

The Request Download pop-up menu will appear.
Click the download icon for the DFXP file format.
The file will begin downloading to your computer.

Download DFXP file


Step 5- Open a new ActionScript 3.0 document in CS5.5

Launch your Adobe CS5.5 application. Open a new document and choose ActionScript 3.0 in the Start panel under Create New.

Adobe Flash CS5.5 ActionScript 3.0 Create New


Step 6- Import your video

Import your video by selecting File > Import > Import Video. If your video is not already in a Flash FLV or F4V format, you will need to convert it using Adobe Media Encoder or another file converter.

Adobe Flash CS5.5 Import Video


Step 7- Select a skin

Select a skin that supports captions (you can change the skin at a later time by selecting the FLVPlayback component on the stage and editing the skin property).

Adobe Flash CS5.5 Import Video Skinning select skin


Step 8- Complete importing video

Wait for the video import to complete.


Step 9- Resize the player (if necessary)

Resize the player by selecting Modify > Transform so that it fits in the white workspace.


Step 10- Double-click FLVPlaybackCaptioning

Select Windows > Components and double-click the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component.

Adobe Flash CS5.5 FLVPlaybackCaptioning


Step 11- Enter Component Parameters

In the Component Parameters section, check the box next to showCaptions and enter the name and location of the caption file in the source field (if you placed it in the same directory as the media file, then just enter the filename).

Adobe Flash CS5.5 Component Parameters menu


Property Description Default Value
autoLayout Specifies the FLVPlayback instance name that you want to caption. True
captionTargetName Specifies the TextField or MovieClip instance name containing captions. Auto
flvPlaybackName Specifies the FLVPlayback instance name that you want to caption. Auto
showCaptions Specifies if captions display. True
simpleFormatting Limits formatting instructions of the caption file when set to true. False

Specifies the name and location of the caption file.



For additional information, refer to Adobe’s resources to customize the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component.


Step 12- Test the captions

To test the captions, select Control > Test Movie > Test.


Step 13- Publish the video

To publish the captioned video, select File > Publish.


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