
Customers with fixed budgets Account Credit or Purchase Orders for a fixed dollar amount may want to know that 3Play services won't go over that limit. Budgets may be enabled to hold the processing of new orders that are expected to exceed a specified budget. Processing holds will be applied to all projects within an account when services ordered in a single project exceed that project's budget, regardless of the existence of a prepay balance.

To enable, first request that your Account Manager or 3Play Media Support activate the Budgets module for your account.

Next, navigate to Settings>Add On Module>Budgets and Activate Module


When activated, a Budget may be created with Spending Cap specified in Billing>Budgets

Billing icon

To apply a Budget to an Invoice:

  • You must have Billing Permissions
  • Select Billing>Budgets>+Create Budget
  • Enter a Spending Cap value that will determine the dollar value of services that can be processed before services are held.
  • You must attach the Budget to the current Invoice, and services processed on the attached invoice will decrement the Budget.
  • Option: You may set the Budget to deactivate after the current Invoice closes. This will leave the account without a Budget after the current Invoice closes unless you Create a new Budget.
  • You may also Create a new budget that will apply to your next Invoice following the closure of your current Invoice.
  • Option: You may also Remove a Budget 


Budget Behavior Notes

  • If your account has multiple projects and is set for account-level payment, the Budget Module is still enabled at the project level. 
  • If any project has the module turned on, the entire account may be restricted by a project Budget even if some of the projects do not have the module enabled.
  • If an account is set for project-level payment, the Budget applies per project.
  • Budget notification is only visible to billing users for services that are held on the Billing>Budgets page. The Cap alert will be red and the Amount Remaining on your Budget will be negative. Services will otherwise appear pending with no other explanation on the My Files page.


  • Files that are pending during a budget hold must be released by 3Play Support or your Account Manager.
  • NOTE: The Amount Ordered on a Budget will include any existing charges on an open invoice and will include services fees for in progress orders not yet on your open invoice.
  • Best practice is to start by applying a new budget to a new invoice in order to align invoice fees as they decrement the current budget.
  • An existing budget will attach to successive invoices by default. The current budget can be left open to apply to multiple invoices, or it can be set to close with closure of the open invoice.
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