Brightcove Live Captioning: Getting Started

**Before getting started with 3Play you must contact your Brightcove account manager to enable the Live Module.  Once enabled, you will receive a Brightcove Live API Key that is used to complete the integration process outlined below.**

3Play Media's Live Captioning feature can integrate with Brightcove Live events embedded on a web page. Please note the requirements below before getting started...


Please note that your Brightcove account will be charged for TWO STREAMS when using 3Play Media's Live Captioning feature.

Step 1- Navigate to Brightcove Integration Settings

Once your Brightcove account manager has enabled the Live Module, you will receive a Live API key.

Log into 3Play Media and make sure you're within the project where the Brightcove integration was set up.  Next, click Linked Accounts located at the top of the page. 

Linked Account Button


Click the Edit button next to the Brightcove account you want to use for Live Captioning.



Step 2- Add Live API Key to Integration Settings

Scroll down to the bottom of the Brightcove integration settings page and enter the Live API key.


Click Update once the key has been added.


Next Steps...

Schedule a Live Brightcove Event



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