Upload Approval: Managing Requests

If you are the admin for the Upload Approval, follow the steps below to approve or reject uploads and service requests made by other users within your account.

Step 1- Click Ready for Approval

Click Ready for Approval at the top of the My Files page once you log in to 3Play Media.

Step 2- Manage Requests

This screen will list any file(s) that a colleague has uploaded, that need to be approved. Translation and Audio Description requests will also be listed here. It will list the Name of the file, the 3Play Media File ID, the duration, who ordered the file or service, what time the file was ordered, the turnaround, the price-rate, and the total price.

Adjusting Turnaround Time for Requests

If there was a mistake ordering, or the turnaround needs to be changed, that can be accomplished from this screen as well.  Finally, you can approve or reject the request from being processed.

Step 3- Approval History

Users, regardless of if they are an approver or not, can view the Approval History for requests made within their 3Play Media project.

The Approval History page, displays a list of files that were approved or rejected, and who reviewed them in the past.

The frequency of notifications sent regarding pending files waiting for approval, can be modified by changing your Email Notifications.




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