If you already have transcripts for your Spanish video/audio files, transcript alignment is a faster and less expensive way to create captions and/or use the 3Play Media interactive video plugins.
Before getting started you will need...
- A video/audio file where the speech is entirely in Spanish (Latin American or Castilian).
- A pre-existing transcript of the video/audio file in a UTF-8 encode text file.
- An FTP application on your computer
- Your 3Play Media FTP credentials found in your account under Upload > FTP Upload.
See more information about locating your 3Play Media FTP credentials, downloading FTP software, and the FTP upload method.
See information about 3Play Media's suggested best practices to achieve the highest quality results when using the Spanish transcript alignment service.
This service is NOT for syncing a Spanish transcript to a media file with English audio to create subtitles.
Subtitles can be created using 3Play Media's translation services.
See more information about our translation services.
Spanish files cannot be translated into other languages.
Translation is only available when the source file is in English.
Once aligned Spanish source content then be translated into English subtitles.
Follow the steps below to begin the transcript alignment process:
Step 1- Create a folder named spanish_alignment in your FTP client
Create a folder in your FTP client named spanish_alignment.
Step 2- Upload your media files
Upload your media files to the spanish_alignment folder.
The duration of each file submitted for alignment should not exceed 2 hours.
NOTE: Your media file must be uploaded before your transcript!
If you are uploading multiple media files for transcript alignment, they can all be uploaded at this step.
Step 3- Upload your transcript
Upload the Spanish transcripts that correspond to your media files in the same folder, spanish_alignment.
This must be a UTF-8 encoded text file.
Microsoft Word documents will not be processed.
See more information on exporting/converting to UTF-8 text.
NOTE: Your text file must have the same name as your media file AND .txt REPLACING the media file extension.
For example, if your media file name is: Bo_speaks_at_TED.mp4
then the transcript must be called: Bo_speaks_at_TED.txt
Stranded media files:
These are media files uploaded for alignment that do not have corresponding text files.
- Every morning, we check for these, and...
- If it's has been stranded for more than 24 hours but less than 48, we send project admins a reminder and warn that it will be deleted in 24 hours.
- If it's greater than 48 hours (i.e., the warning has already been sent), we delete and notify project admins.
Alignment Turnaround:
Turnaround for transcript alignment depends on the duration of your files and our capacity at the time of upload.
Files will usually be completed within a few hours and almost always by the next business day.
For files greater than 1 hour, the alignment will likely be completed by the next business day.