Download Video with Encoded Captions

When the caption encoding process is complete, you will receive an email notification that your video is ready for download. This email notification will contain a link to download the caption encoded video.

Caption Encodings can also be batched downloaded. Click here for more information on how to batch download Caption Encodings.

Note: Upon completion, you will have 60 days to download the video with the encoded captions from your account.

Follow the steps below to download the newly created video directly from your 3Play Media account...

Step 1- Log into your 3Play account

Transcription service login for 3Play Media

Step 2- Filter by Captions Encodings 

Navigate to the Filters section on the left-hand side of the page and select Caption Encodings under Services to filter by all files with Caption Encodings.

Encoded Captions download

Step 3- Click on a File 

Click on the file you want to download the Caption Encoding for.

click on a file

Step 4- Go to Caption Encoding Details

Under Ordered Services, click Show Details for the Caption Encoding service.
Expand Caption Encoding details section

Step 5- Download Caption Encoding

Click on the Caption Encoding name to download under the Caption Encodings section. 

Download video caption encoded versions to computer

The video with encoded captions will then immediately begin downloading to your computer.


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