Vimeo Overview

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Vimeo is a video-sharing website in which users can upload, share and view videos. It was the first video-sharing site to support high-definition video.  3Play Media has an end-to-end integration with Vimeo. This forum provides articles with step-by-step instructions on how to create and publish captions or subtitles for Vimeo. The integration between Vimeo and 3Play Media allows you to transfer your media files directly from your Vimeo account to your 3Play Media account for processing. After your captions have been processed, they can be automatically sent back to your Vimeo account and published through a caption-enabled Vimeo player. You can monitor the status of your files from your 3Play Media account.


Please note, although Vimeo utilizes WEBVTT files which include caption placement data, Vimeo's video player does not support vertical caption placement, meaning that captions will be forced to the bottom of the player.  



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Vimeo Integration Setup

Vimeo: Download a Video for Captioning

Vimeo: Ordering Captions From Your Vimeo Account

Vimeo: Ordering Captions From Your 3Play Account

Vimeo: Add Closed Captions and Subtitles

Vimeo: Embed Plugin via iFrame

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