Batch Download

Follow the steps below to download one or multiple 3Play Media files in a variety of closed captions and transcript file formats. If only one file is needed in one format, the Quick Download method may be best.

Audio Descriptions and Caption Encodings associated with the selected files can also be included in the batch download. Click here for more information on how to batch download Audio Descriptions and Caption Encodings.

See more information on quickly downloading a file in one caption or transcript format.

If you are having trouble locating your files, use the search bar to locate them by file name or file ID.
See more information on how to search for your 3Play Media files

Step 1- Select Files

Check the box next to each file that you would like to include in this batch download.

Select your 3Play Media file


PRO TIP: To select multiple files at once click on a checkbox for the first file, and while holding the shift key select the last file you wish to download. All files between the first and last files will then be selected.

Once you have selected your files click Download located above the list of files.

Click Download


Step 2- Select Formats

Navigate to Web Caption, SMPTE, or Transcript by clicking on each name to find the desired format. Check the boxes besides the formats you want.

Note: The formats selected will appear on the right-hand side under Finalize Download and can be removed by clicking the next to each format name.

See more information on configuring your Favorite Formats.

Select Closed Caption formats and transcripts formats


Step 3- Configure Settings (for SMPTE-based formats)

Advanced settings will only be available when SMPTE-based formats were selected in step 2.
Select Additional SMPTE Caption Settings to configure the framerate and starting timecode of your SMPTE closed caption files.

If advanced settings like starting timecode, framerate, or DF vs NDF are configured on this page they will only apply to SMPTE formats when downloaded.

To set Default SMPTE Settings click Set Default Additional Settings. This will open a new window to the Captions Settings page.

See more information on editing an individual file's SMPTE settings.

SMPTE configurations for closed captions

If a SMPTE format was not selected there will be nothing available to configure in this section.
Non-SMPTE formats like SRT and transcripts files will not be affected.

Please note that any settings applied to this download does not permanently alter the master file that is stored indefinitely in the 3Play Media account. Only the versions downloaded will have these configurations applied! 

Step 4- Create Download

Add a Folder Name.

If you would like the zipped folder to be emailed to you, click the checkbox next to Receive Zip Download By Email. If you would not like the folder to be emailed to you, do not select this checkbox.

When ready click Create Download to start processing your files in the requested formats.

Download closed captions and transcripts

Step 5- Download the .zip folder

After clicking Create Download you will be directed to the Saved Zip Downloads page.

The request will be listed under the Processing tab. Closed Captioning and transcripts download request

The zip folder will be listed under Completed when it is available to be downloaded to your computer.
From the Completed page click on the name of the .zip folder to download it to your computer.

Download Closed Captions and Transcripts zip folder

Please note: The time for the folder to become available under Completed will vary depending on the amount of files and formats requested. Requests containing audio description media outputs like MP4, MP3, and OGG and caption encoded videos will take longer to process.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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